The Philosophy of Logic
Some philosophical problems concerning deductive logic. Some ideas about how the problems can be addressed.
An analytic examination of varieties of analysis (mostly but not necessarily philosophical) and their philosophical, technical and technological underpinnings, historical and contemporary, formal and informal.
An account of Hume's fork and its significance for his philosophy.
What is Logic?
Logic is the study of necessary truths and of systematic methods for clearly expressing and rigorously demonstrating such truths.
An introduction to mathematical logic.
Logical Truth
Some ways of defining "Logic" are introduced and their merits discussed.
We consider the notions of necessary and contingent partly through consideration of possible worlds, in order to explicate logical truth.
Logicism is a philosophical theory about the status of mathematical truths, to wit, that they are logically necessary or analytic.
Philosophical Logicism revisits Bertrand Russell's dream of a philosophy made logically rigorous, taking advantage of a century of development in logic, mathematics and computing.
A Previous Version of this Page.
An Analytic History of Philosophical Logic
An analytic examination of varieties of analysis (mostly but not necessarily philosophical) and their philosophical, technical and technological underpinnings, historical and contemporary, formal and informal.
A few words on the purposes and character of the work.
Part II of Analyses of Analysis is the part where I seek to present and subject to comparative analysis modern analytic methods and their philosophical underpinnings.
First part of an analytic history of Philosophical Analysis, consisting of examples of exegetical analysis pertinent to the origins of modern methods.
Part III
A condensation of the formal backbone to the formal analyses, presenting the naked analytic truths obtained by deduction in the context of the formal models.
Current Drafts in PDF
Hume's Fork
An account of Hume's fork and its significance for his philosophy.
The Fork
ALL the objects of human reason or enquiry may naturally be divided into two kinds, to wit, Relations of Ideas, and Matters of Fact.
Three Dichotomies in Hume's Fork
Though not explicit, Hume's fork identifies the dichotomies we now talk about as analytic/synthetic, necessary/contingent, a priori/a posteriori.
Its Place in Hume's Philosophy
The importance of Hume's fork lies not only in its clear presentation, but in its central place in Hume's philosophy. It is the seed of Hume's scepticism, which provides a more precise delimitation of the scope of deductive reason than had hitherto appeared.
A bigger picture with Hume's fork at its epicentre.

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