What you pay for
The simplistic way of thinking about a purchase is that the purchasor hands over some money to the seller and receives in exchange some thing or some service.
Economic Efficiency
Economic efficiency is about delivering the required products or services at the lowest acheivable cost, and that's what free market economics is focussed on.
Purchase Criteria
For a market to deliver efficiency in this narrow sense purchase decisions must be determined by price, consumers must seek best value for money.
Marketing Tricks
This doesn't happen.
You can sell a car as a status symbol, you can sell christmas cards to support charity.
Of course the economic theorist can squirm, and try to hold the line by defining the product in terms of the reasons for purchase.
What your money does
What you buy with your money is by no means the whole story.
Your purchase may contribute to global pollution, or may help the economy of a third world country.
You don't generally have the faintest clue what the total impact of your purchase decision is.
Total Impact Marketing
Holistic marketing based on controlling and selling the total impact.
You identify something important that could sway purchase decisions, call it a side-issue.
e.g. ecology, education, poverty, war.
You then set about producing marketable goods and services in such a way as to optimise impact on the target side issue, as well as competitive price and quality.
Then you market your products using the side issue.