bibliography ..D
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Internet Encyclopaedia of Philosophy - D Philosophy in Cyberspace - thinkers - D Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy - D

Jonathan Dancy

Philosopher. Moral Theory, Practical Reasons, Epistemology, the British Empiricists, esp. George Berkeley. Home Page
[Dancy85] Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology; Basil Blackwell 1985 purchase from amazon purchase from ibs Content list
[Dancy92] A Companion to Epistemology; edited with Ernest Sosa; Basil Blackwell 1992 purchase from amazon purchase from ibs

Donald Davidson
Home Page Internet Encyclopaedia of Philosophy - D books by Donald Davidson Philosopher.
[Davidson84] Inquiries into Truth & Interpretation; Oxford University Press 1984 purchase from amazon purchase from ibs

Phillip J. Davis

[Davis80] Davis, Phillip J.; Hersh, Reuben;
The Mathematical Experience; Penguin Books (Pelican) 1983; ISBN 0-140-13474-3 purchase from ibs; Mariner books, 464 pages Reissue edition (February 1999) purchase from amazon
[Davis86] Davis, Phillip J.; Hersh, Reuben;
Descartes' Dream - the world according to mathematics; Penguin Books 1988; ISBN 0-14-013475-1 purchase from ibs; ISBN 0395431549 purchase from amazonO

Richard Dawkins
books by Richard Dawkins Evolution.
[Dawkins89] The Selfish Gene; second edition, Oxford Paperbacks 1989; purchase from amazon purchase from ibs notes
[Dawkins82] The Extended Phenotype; paperback edition, Oxford University Press 1989; purchase from amazon notes

Patrick Dehornoy
Home Page Braid theory. Set theory. The continuum hypothesis.

Daniel C. Dennett Home Page books by Daniel Dennett

[Dennett95] Dennett, Daniel C.;
Darwin's Dangerous Idea; Penguin Books 1985; purchase from amazon purchase from ibs notes

Michael Detlefsen
Home Page Philosopher.
[Detlefsen2005] Formalism; in [Shapiro2005] Content list

Keith Devlin books by Keith Devlin

[Devlin88] Devlin, Keith;
Mathematics: The New Golden Age; Penguin Books 1990; ISBN 0-14-013551-0 purchase from amazon; ISBN 0140258655 purchase from ibs
[Devlin92] Devlin, Keith;
Sets, Functions, and Logic - an introduction to abstract mathematics; Chapman & Hall 1972; purchase from amazon purchase from ibs

Richard C. Dorf

Electrical engineering, control systems design and robotics, and applications to social and economic needs.  
[Dorf98] Modern Control Systems; with Robert H. Bishop, eighth edition Addison-Wesley 1998 purchase from amazon purchase from ibs

Stillman Drake

[Drake80] Drake, Stillman;
Galileo; Past Masters Series, Oxford University Press 1996; ISBN 0-19-287526-4 purchase from amazonO purchase from ibs

K. Eric Drexler Home Page

[Drexler88] Drexler, K. Eric;
Engines of Creation - the coming era of nanotechnology; Fourth Estate 1996; purchase from ibs

Ralph Dumain
Librarian-Archivist-Information Specialist Researcher-Scholar  
The Autodidact Project. Online Text

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