Monadology glossary

The glossary is presented as a table, each row containing:
  1. A word defined or described in the monadology (possibly hyperlinked to a glossary entry indicating more general usage of the word)
  2. The paragraph number in the monadology where the term is introduced (hyperlinked to that paragraph in the HTML version of the monadology)
  3. A concise indication of the usage of the term in the monadology
activity49activity is attributed to a Monad in so far as it has distinct perceptions
appetition15the activity of the internal principle which produces change or passage from one perception to another
axiom35a primary principle, which cannot and need not be proven
autarcheia18self sufficiency
compound2a collection or aggregatum of simple things
contingent truth33a truth whose opposite is possible
contradiction31principle, in virtue of which we judge false that which involves a contradiction, and true that which is opposed or contradictory to the false
entelechy18something having in it "a certain perfection"?
God38the final reason of things, a necessary substance in which the variety of particular changes exists only eminently
monad1simple substance
necessary truth33a truth whose reason can be found by analysis, resolving it into more simple ideas and truths, until we come to those which are primary
outwardly49a created thing is said to act outwardly in so far as it has perfection
passivity49passivity is attributed to a Monad in so far as its perceptions are confused
perception14the passing condition, which involves and represents a multiplicity in the unit
postulate35a primary principle, which cannot and need not be proven
quality8that which differentiates monads
simple1without parts
simple ideas35ideas of which no definition can be given
rational soul29soul having knowledge of necessary and eternal truths
soul19something having distinct perception and desires accompanied by memory
suffer49a created thing is said to suffer in relation to another in so far as it is imperfect
sufficient reason32principle, in virtue of which we hold that there can be no fact real or existing, no statement true, unless there be a sufficient reason, why it should be so and not otherwise
truth of reason33truths of reasoning are necessary and their opposite is impossible
truth of fact33 truths of fact are contingent and their opposite is possible
unit13that which is simple
window7way in or out

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