
the greek letter lambda
lambda abstraction
a syntactic construct denoting a function, beginning with the lambda symbol which binds a variable in an expression which denotes the value of the function for the argument whose value is denoted by the variable, e.g. "lambdax. x*x" is a lambda expression denoting the square function.
lambda calculus
a notation and calculus involving lambda abstraction, widely used logic and in theoretical computer science
large cardinal
a cardinal number at least as large as the first strongly inaccessible cardinal
that beyond which something may not pass
(in mathematics)
a quantity which the value of a function or sequence or the sum of a series approaches arbitrarily closely
limit ordinal
an ordinal number which is not a successor ordinal
As a subject
The study of reasoning
a logic
a (usually formal) system encoding principles of reasoning.
logical atomism
A philosophical position associated with Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein involving logical analysis of propositions into atomic propositions and their correspondence with the structure of reality (in the form of facts).
logical construction
A method (advocated by Bertrand Russell and originating in his philosophy of mathematics) permitting parsimonious ontologists to maximise their use of Occam's razor by "logically constructing" entities as complexes of simpler things to which one is already committed. Most notoriously, of physical objects from sense data. Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy
logical necessity
A proposition is logically necessary if it is true in all possible worlds.
logical positivism
The name adopted by the Vienna Circle (including Rudolf Carnap and Alfred Ayer) for their philosophical position, most famous for introducing the verification principle as a criterion for meaning of synthetic propositions, and for dismissing metaphysics as meaningless. Internet Encyclopaedia of Philosophy
See also:
constructive logic
deontic logic
epistemic logic
first order logic
modal logic
predicate logic
propositional logic
second order logic
temporal logic

in the philosophy of mathematics
The doctrine that mathematics is logic, or that mathematical truths are analytic.
in artificial intelligence (1)
I believe that the term "logicist" has been used for an approach to AI (championed by John McCarthy) involving the use of logic for the representation of common-sense knowledge and reasoning. In recent publications McCarthy has referred to this approach simply as "logical AI".
in artificial intelligence (2)
logicist AI, as used in Factasia, refers to AI concerned with the demonstration of analytic truths and purged of psychologism.
philosophical logicism
Term used in Factasia for that part of analytic philosophy which studies, supports or exploits logical analysis.
logicist epistemology
That part of philosophical logicism which concerns Epistemological aspects of the foundations and applications of logic.

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