- a common spelling of Dao, an ancient
Chineese philosophy and way of life.
- the saying of the same thing twice over in different words
- a statement in which the predicate asserts no more than is contained in the meaning of the subject
- an instance of a valid formula of propositional logic
- a complex proposition which is true independently of the truth values of its constituent atomic propositions
- a statement that is necessarily true
- an analytic statement
- see also:
- propositional tautology
- te
- A kind of inner virtue in the ancient Chineese philosophy of Dao.
- temporal logic
- A modal logic in which one can reason about time.
- TOE - Theory Of Everything
- A term used for the elusive goal of the quest to unify the fundamental (but incompatible) theories of physics, viz. general relativity and quantum theory.
This would supposedly yield a single coherent (and true) theory (a TOE) to which all other scientific theories would be in principle reducible (which is where the everything comes from).
(e.g. string theory)
- an instance of a type
- transitive
- transitive relation
- a relation is transitive iff for all elements x, y and z in the field of the relation, if x is related to y and y related to z then x is related to z.
- transitive set
- a set s is transitive iff every member of s is a subset of s.
the property of being true
Turing machine
a kind of automaton invented by the logician Alan Turing for the purpose of establishing the existence of unsolvable problems
a collection of things or persons having common characteristics
- type checking (computing)
- a stage in the compilation or interpretation of computer programs in which the conformance of the program to defined typing rules is checked.
- see also:
- static type checking
- strong type checking
- type sentence (philosophy)
Used by some philosophers to distinguish a syntactical object from its instances (which are then called tokens).
This sentence might then be called a type sentence of which the instance occurring on the screen in front of you is a token.
- type system (computing)
- a system for classifying data values manipulated by computer programs, usually specific to a particular high level programming language
- see also:
- polymorphic type system
- pure type system
- type theory (logic)
- a logical system in which the domain of discourse consists of a number of types, each of which is a collection of elements (of that type), and in which logical variables are associated with a type and range over the elements of that type.
- type variable (computing and logic)
- In a typed programming language or logical system a type variable is a variable which ranges over some or all of the available types.
- see also:
- category
- kind
- sort
created 1997/6/14 modified 2009/4/30