Analytic Philosophy
analytic philosophy here concerns all aspects of logical analysis
analytic methods:
I aim to develop, articulate and apply methods and tools supporting logical analysis in philosophical (and other) applications.
I will present a prospectus for analytic philosophy in the 21st century which comprehends, embraces and contributes to the potential of modern logic and information technology as tools for understanding and transforming our world.
the most fundamental part of analytic philosophy is that part of epistemology which concerns the distinctions between necessary, analytic propositions and those which are contingent and synthetic.
From this distinction flows the special methods for establishing logical truths upon which logical analysis is founded.
here we consider the nature of logical necessity and the languages and tools which enable us to express, demonstrate and apply logical truths.
is by far the most extensive body of established logical truths.
We consider the relationship between logic and mathematics, and aim to ensure the adequacy of our languages methods and tools for mathematics and its applications now and in the future.
we aim to develop an analytic role for metaphysics as an intermediary between the abstract ontology which is pure logic and the applications of mathematical modelling in science and engineering.
Speculative Philosophy
speculative philosophy goes beyond logical analysis considering matters of fact, value systems and ethics
Factasia aims to synthesise a realistic utopian vision.
This kind of utopian thought, though belonging within the philosophical tradition, goes beyond analysis by presenting a position or platform, touching upon personal philosophy, religion, values, politics, economics, science and technology.
Before we can design, we must understand the requirements which our design is to realise.
It is our value systems which tell us what to promote and what to avoid.
The Factasia value system will articulate values against which a Factasia blueprint for the future can be judged.
Politics and Economics:
Over the next century the information revolution will transform the way in which the global economy works.
When products with zero marginal cost account for the major part of economic output we can expect some strange economic happenings.
Factasia is developing a position on how a post-capitalist market economy might function.
We emphasise the enormous importance of consumer purchase decisions in shaping all aspects of our physical and social environment and present a polical agenda based on helping people to understand how this happens and how to turn personal spending decisions into high-bandwith high-leverage pluralistic political enfranchisement.