Contemporary western philosophy is predominantly a scholarly academic activity in which a philosopher fully acquainted with
the relevant literature deploys rational arguments leading to objective conclusions which correct or extend our understanding
of various philosophical problems.
Though flowing from the same tradition, my philosophy fails to satisfy most of the accepted criteria and is intended to be
in some respects which are discussed here, more like art than science.
Philosophy is expected to be objective and rational.
Sceptical doubts demand retreat to a subjective expression of a personal viewpoint.
The dynamic character of philosophical thought suggests an expression similar to "stream of consciousness" with more recognition
of the significance of internal congnitive structure to the nature of that stream.
The hypertext medium permits more transparent presentation of that structured consciousness, the online delivery allows the
web site to have a dynamism which reflects the dynamics of thought.
What I aim to do on this page is point out some particular ways in which the kind of philosophy which I hope to deliver through
this web site differs from common expectations of what philosophy should be, particularly in the analytic tradition.
I have at best a lay knowledge of art in any of its forms, and so the conception of art which is relevant here may be eccentric,
but I hope that it will nevertheless serve to illuminate the kind of philosophical writing which I am attempting.
Philosophy as Literature
First let me note the most obvious way in which philosophy might be art.
Philosophers are often writers, and sometimes what they write, even though not poetry or fictional prose, is considered to
be good or great literature.
Two well known philosophers, Bertrand Russell and Jean Paul Satre, have been awarded the Nobel prize for literature.
Other examples, suggested by Bryan Magee Magee78, of philosophers who have written outstandingly well include Plato, Saint Augustine, Schopenhaeur and Nietzsche.
Art as Entertainment
One of the important things which art does, whether or not it be great, is entertain.
Again, this would be nice, but is not my present concern.
Art as Expression
It is the idea of art as self expression which is of interest to me here.
In her interview with Bryan Magee (published in Magee78) Iris Murdoch very early on says, while discussing the differences between literary art and philosophy:
"Philosophical writing is not self-expression, it involves a disciplined removal of the personal voice."
Philosophy, at least in the analytic tradition is expected to be objective
rather than subjective, and to be concerned exclusively with communicating arguments and conclusions rather than with expressing
anything personal to the author.
As a sceptic I doubt that I could meet the demands of this conception of
philosophy, even if I thought it desirable, and I have doubts about some of the
model works in this genre (as to whether they meet these criteria).
Sceptical doubts suggest retreat to lesser ambitions, to presenting matters, after reflection, in a manner as true as possible
to how they appear to be.
And of course, the account which is truest to appearances is an account of appearances, aknowledged as subjective as it is.
Philosophy as Meditation
Philosophy is for me primarily a matter of thinking about and trying to understand the world and my situation in it.
It is not a scholarly activity.
My subject matter is not the writings of other philosphers, and my philosophy not a response to others.