Well-Foundedness and Recursion
Some material concerning transitive and well-founded relations and the recursion theorem.
This is the theory of transitive and well founded relations as sets (using ProofPower's SET type constructor).
Most ProofPower relations are properties not sets, so the theory of this kind of well-foundedness is developed here.
This is a proof of the recursion theorem for well-founded recursive definitions. It is modelled on Tobias Nipkow's proof for Isabelle HOL and uses relations modelled with ProofPower HOL's SET type constructor.
This document contains the proof of a recursion theorem asserting the existence of a fixed point for any functional which "respects" some well-founded relation.
Transitive and Well-Founded Relations
This is the theory of transitive and well founded relations as sets (using ProofPower's SET type constructor).
A new "wf_rel" theory is created as a child of "bin_rel". Probably
Transitive Relations
Elementary results about transitive relations and transitive closure.
Well-Founded Relations
Definition of well-founded and transitive-well-founded and proof that the transitive closure of a well-founded relation is transitive-well-founded.
Proof Context
In this section I will create a decent proof context for recursive definitions, eventually.
Transitive and Well-Founded Relations as Properties
Most ProofPower relations are properties not sets, so the theory of this kind of well-foundedness is developed here.
A new "wf_relp" theory is created as a child of "wf_rel". The purpose of this theory is entirely cosmetic. I want to use the results in developing set theory but I want to avoid use of the membership sign in a context in which it is likely to cause confusion.
Transitive Relations
Elementary results about transitive relations and transitive closure.
Well-Founded Relations
Definition of well-founded and transitive-well-founded and proof that the transitive closure of a well-founded relation is transitive-well-founded.
Proof Context
In this section I will create a decent proof context for recursive definitions, eventually.
Well-Founded Recursion
This is a proof of the recursion theorem for well-founded recursive definitions. It is modelled on Tobias Nipkow's proof for Isabelle HOL and uses relations modelled with ProofPower HOL's SET type constructor.
A new "wf_rec" theory is created as a child of "wf_rel". Probably
Well-Founded Recursion
In this section is proved the theorem which justifies well-founded recursive definitions.
Recursive Definition
Proof Context
In this section I will create a decent proof context for recursive definitions, eventually.
Recursion Theorem for Well-Founded Relations as Properties
This document contains the proof of a recursion theorem asserting the existence of a fixed point for any functional which "respects" some well-founded relation.
A new "wf_recp" theory is created as a child of "wf_relp".
Defining the Fixed Point Operator
The main part of this is the proof that functionals which are well-founded with respect to some well-founded relation have fixed points. This done, the operator "fix" is defined, which yields such a fixed point.
Proof Context
In this section I will create a decent proof context for recursive definitions, eventually.

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