
what is meant by, or the significance or importance of, a word, sentence or event
meaning-truth platitude
the principle that the truth value of a statement depends only on its meaning and the state of the world in certain respects
What it takes to realise some end. Maybe material or intellectual resources, maybe methods.
arranging to be accomplished by machinery (possibly by computers or calculators)
mechanisation of mathematics
The automation of mathematical methods, usually by programming digital computers.
that branch of philosophy which is concerned with ontology and other a priori aspects of the nature of the universe
a unit of cultural transmission or of imitation (coined by Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene [Dawkins89] notes).
the science (or pseudo science) of memes.
memetic future engineering
the use of memetics in future engineering
A prescription, recipe or algorithm describing how to achieve some purpose or end.
concerning possibility, impossibility, necessity or contingency
modal logic
a diverse family of logics involving modal operators, usually rendered and . The original interpretation of these symbols was for "necessarily" and "possibly" respectively, but other applications of modal logics have introduced alternative interpretations, e.g. in relation to time (always, sometime), provability (provable, consistent), and knowledge (know, believe).
a representation of something, possibly smaller (scale model), simplified, made more precise (mathematical model), or idealised.
(of a first order theory)
A model of a first order theory is an interpretation of the language of the theory which satisfies all the non-logical axioms of the theory.
An abstract model, defined with mathematical precision, of some thing or phenomenon, which may be used to reason about or calculate its behaviour. Often used in engineering design to ensure that a design will fulfill its intended purpose.
model theory
A major branch of mathematical logic which studies the models of first order theories.

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